Has anyone had any luck in contacting Dale Pitcher

Hi all : Could use your help in contacting Dale Pitcher of Intuitive Design. I have tried the work numbers and personal cell number with no luck for the past six months. I have an Essence amp which he has been unable to supply parts for a repair needed two years ago and a pair of external crossovers he has not returned for Essence subs that have set idle for the past 5 years waiting for his expertise.
Dale's new business since Essence expired, is Intuitive Design audio. He still makes excellent speakers. He makes interconnect and speaker cable under the brand name Mosaic. Intuitive Design does have a web page. His Power Bridge technology appears to have great promise. Despite his brilliance as a designer, he appears a poor businessman. His products are so over engineered, they can only be produced or repaired quite slowly as he is so worried about his ideas being stolen which wouldn't be the first time. Many of us that can afford his products are type A people to achieve the financial success needed to buy them. Dale seems to be a type B personality. I too have known Dale for better than 20 years, in the past had adequate service, but now he has had my Essence amplifier for over 4 years. I have visited him in Torrington, I feel he's brilliant, a good family man, but with his poor business model has not been able to enjoy financial success from his products and he struggles. Thanks to audiogon information I did talk to a couple of his dealers, and they do not appear to have any leverage to aid in the repair of his older products. Dale appears overwhelmed. I hope Alpha Tech Audio mentioned above is able to do the service as his products are top notch when functioining.
An accurate summation Sufur. I would not recommend sending any vintage electronics to Dale for repair. An outfit like Alpha is the answer....

His stuff is out of this world, particularly his new conditioning technology.
Alpha Tech Audio in St. Louis is the answer. I had trouble with 2 of my Intuitive Design amps and after reading about Alpha Tech in this thread I contacted them. I shipped my amps to them and they did a great job. Fast service and now good as new. The guy to talk to there is named Zaw. They have a website-


Alpha Tech Electronics
1502 S. Big Bend Blvd.
Saint Louis, MO 63117
I have just seen Dale. As always, enthusiastic with more new ideas than he knows what to do with. If his ideas merged with someone who could efficiently manufacture them he would have quite an impact on speakers, his power bridge, electronics, power cords and 'wires'. I have a fantastic amplifier after 5 years, Alpha tech certainly sounds the way to go for the old Essence repairs. I hope he can achieve the success to grow his company and produce more efficiently so more can experience what he is capable of.