
Responses from sufur

Worth repairing Essence Amp?
I would add that I know they have serviced multiple amplifiers in the past year at Automated Lifestyles. I do know that  there were many pieces of equipment sold in Louisville from talking to Dale when he was active in the business in the 1990s ma... 
Worth repairing Essence Amp?
I would add I thought the prices very reasonable for the quality of amp, to replace of equal caliber with something new would have been much more expensive. They do apparently have some of Dale's schematics as well.   
Worth repairing Essence Amp?
Audiobunker, Duane Randleman  of Automated Lifestyles in LeClaire Iowa did a great job helping me through this. He has someone able to service these amplifiers, also worked on my Essence pre amp, and gave very good recommendations for tubes on the... 
Extreme NEWB Questions and Speaker Identification
Musical design amplifiers do pair very nicely with Dale's speakers, a small company, pretty reasonably priced, I have Dale's electronics but did have experience with these for an extended period of time.  
Review: Intuitive Design/Pitcher Sound Labs Summit PSL 624 Speaker
Regarding set up I have Dale's older speakers for the past 25 years, I've seen his set ups in Lincoln in the 90s and Wyoming in the 2000s, and images from RMAF and elsewhere, I've never seen him use toe in. Personally I've had success using Jim Sm... 
Has anyone had any luck in contacting Dale Pitcher
I have just seen Dale. As always, enthusiastic with more new ideas than he knows what to do with. If his ideas merged with someone who could efficiently manufacture them he would have quite an impact on speakers, his power bridge, electronics, pow... 
Has anyone had any luck in contacting Dale Pitcher
Dale's new business since Essence expired, is Intuitive Design audio. He still makes excellent speakers. He makes interconnect and speaker cable under the brand name Mosaic. Intuitive Design does have a web page. His Power Bridge technology appear... 
Oppo options
I'm also interested in this thread. What about part B of the question, regarding the DAC? 
Review: Mosaic Chimera Speaker cable
Four years have passed, are Dale's interconnect and speaker cables in your systems, or have you by chance found anything even better? If so, what? 
Review: Intuitive Design/Pitcher Sound Labs Summit PSL 624 Speaker
what dealers carry the speakers?