Has anyone had any experience with Decware's SE34

I'm in the market for a integrated tube amplifier. My budget is $1,000 to $2,000. I'm considering Decware's SE34-I to mate with
my vintage Klipsch Heresy speakers. I listen to rock, jazz, blues, and classical music. My listening room is 12 x 24.

I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience with this particular integrated, or perhaps, other Decware amplifiers.
My reason for not thinking about separates is mainly due to budget

My current system:
Yamaha AX- 500U integrated amplifier.
Rotel RCD-965-BX
Rega Planar 3 w/ Rega Elys
Klipsch Heresy 1978 vintage
original Monster Cable speaker cable
Hsu VTF-2
Lehman black cube with standard power supply
VPI 16.5

Any suggestions on powercables, speaker cable and interconnect
cables to match the synergy of my system would be greatly appreciated. Any thoughts or suggestions concerning tube amplifiers are warmly welcomed.

Showing 3 responses by mmaudio

Thanks to everyone who has responded to my thread. I have alot of research ahead, but thats part of the fun! Thank you for sharing
your knowledge and experience. It is greatly appreciated!
Thank you for your input Bemopti123! I'm not familiar with the 47 Labs Shigaraki. How much is the 47 Labs Shigaraki new or used?
I see that I need to do more research.

Do you know anything about the Aronov 960I? Another fellow Audiogoner has offered to sell me a used Aronov 960I for $1,000.
Should I even consider it. What other tube amplifiers would you recommend in the $1,000 to $3,000 range, new or used.

I'm also considering Eastern Electric's Mini-amp, The AES Super amp and AES preamp. Any others.

I look forward to your response.
Greetings Bemopti123,

I wanted to let you know that I did read the review of the 47 Labs
Shigaraki on the 6moons site. I found it very interesting and informative. Especially, the auditioning of the YBA Integra, Unison's Unico, and of course the Shigaraki.

What do you know about the Unison Unico and the Underwood
Audio mod.1 and mod.2 modifications? It seems that the Unico
Mod.2 Hybrid integrated would be an interesting amplifier to
consider. Also, The Pathos Classic would be another amplifier to consider, I would think. Any thoughts?

Thanks again for making me aware of 47 Labs. I have much to
think about.