Has anyone gone from Tannoy to Zu Audio?


I'm a Tannoy Legacy Eaton owner who is wondering if the step to Zu Audio DW6 is to big for me.
I really like my Tannoys, but they are a little veild and a little too laidback.
I have a 12w tube amp and the sensitivity of the Tannoys is just at 89 dB.
I usually listen at low volume, which is also not the Tannoy Legacy Eaton's strong point.

So, anyone here that has taken this step? Was is an evolution, a revoulution or...?


Showing 3 responses by lak

I've not heard the Tannoy Legacy speakers unfortunately but I will say that for a 12 watt tube amp in my opinion the Zu Audio DW6 is several steps in the right direction.

Bandwidth: 30 - 22k Hz
Sensitivity: 99 dB-SPL @ 2.8V, 1m
Impedance: 8 ohm

Just wanted to point the above out. I have no idea if the Zu sound would be something you guys would like. You could phone them and inquire about the sound and the above return policy.

@simna, right you are, I did not realize you were in Sweden. Please let us know what you end up doing, whenever you decide on the correct choice.