Has anyone gone from Tannoy to Zu Audio?


I'm a Tannoy Legacy Eaton owner who is wondering if the step to Zu Audio DW6 is to big for me.
I really like my Tannoys, but they are a little veild and a little too laidback.
I have a 12w tube amp and the sensitivity of the Tannoys is just at 89 dB.
I usually listen at low volume, which is also not the Tannoy Legacy Eaton's strong point.

So, anyone here that has taken this step? Was is an evolution, a revoulution or...?


Showing 1 response by buellrider97

Hi , I have the original Zu Omens. I run a Thorens TT, Schiit Yiggy DAC to a Rogue RP1 pre. Morrow cables, Richard Gray power filter. I have a fairly large room, although untreated, it has heavy shag rug, large cloth sectional and large cloth drapes. I alternate between a 12 WPC Had Inspire and a modded Akitika SS amp. I’ve addressed BRIGHTNESS from the beginning. I’ve tried and avoided silver cables and between that and speaker position I’ve tamed brightness. I’ve done considerable tube rolling and have found a significant change based on this approach. My biggest battle was obtaining enough bass from the Omens with 12 watts. I run all premium nos tubes in the Rogue and the Had, but prefer KT-120’s for providing enough bottom end. In my tube selection I have about a dozen power tube variants and 6-7 rectifier tubes, and about the same for driver tubes. A couple things I’ll comment on is how sweet the sound is with nos GEC KT-66 and GEC KT 88 tubes. Also the SED winged C’s are fantastic too. I’ve played with 4” thick Timber Nation footers spiked under the Omens and it killed the sound. When I contacted Zu , Sean responded personally and suggested I play around with the gap between speaker and footer. I eventually removed the footers. I have a Schiit Loki and it was great , but I just wanted to enjoy tube rolling. Hence I’ve avoided room treatment and EQ entirely, which is more stubborn than smart. Id also add that sitting in the sweet spot is headphone sublime. As far as the NEW OMENS and the new design I can’t help. But in closing my original Omens are not that difficult to deal with. Also I have Klipsch and JBL in the closet and never rotate them in.  Happy Listening, Mike.