Has anyone finally decided to sell their Turntable and Vinyl collection?

It Maybe a little strange to ask this question here since clearly this is a forum for folks still loving and using Vinyl.
So I am looking for some feedback from folks that play very little of their LPs these days and have decided to sell all of it (or already have). I have thought about it for years seems like a hassle trying to sell your TT and or your record collection, that is mainly why mine stays put (not because I use it).

Anyway if you have sold - (Not if you’re keeping it forever)

Have you regretted it?
Or is to nice to reduce the clutter and happily move on?

Some people would never sell their analog rig and collection, I get that.


Showing 1 response by kingbarbuda

Playing vinyl is more than just listening to music for late cycle Baby Boomers like me. The ritual of collecting your records, cleaning them, filing them, taking them out, using your anti static brush, brushing your stylus, placing the record on the turntable and listening and getting up to lift the tone arm when the side is done, takes us back to our youth. This is how we always listened to music. It required active involvement. It’s also obviously very analog and nostalgic. I mean, if you are a jazz fan like me and you are listening to Louis Armstrong or Chet Baker or something else of decades gone by, one could even argue that the most appropriate medium to listen to music of that era is vinyl. I am not giving up my turntable and vinyl collection. I may add to it, in fact. I may upgrade my cartridge, too. If I want to discover new music, I will stream and use Roon, which is fantastic for music discovery and sound quality. But vinyl has a place and it’s not all about sound quality. It is the entire experience and how it takes us back to our youth and the era of when the music was made.