Has anyone ever heard these speakers by Volti Audio?

I have read a few things about Volti Audio (in Nashville TN). Has anyone ever heard a pair?
Most specifically the Vittora : http://voltiaudio.com/vittora/.
These might really match well with my tube amp but are quite expensive.
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Back to Volti speakers.
I've owned the Alura for over three years. I consider them my end-game speakers. Why? They are both delicate and forceful. Refined with a touch of overtness. They have a "liveness" that I'm, to this day, surprised and appreciate - without a trace of any horn signature.
I run them with a BorderPatrol amp, which I believe is the best match. Easy to drive. Abundant head-room. Presentation skews to however the recoding was made - front row, closely miked, diffuse live recordings, etc.
I can tell you I feel very fortunate to have run into Greg Roberts at AXPONA - a great guy and artisan...and also, Gary Dews of BorderPatrol.
You can see my setup at my Virtual System - "Neo Vintage". If you have any questions, feel free to post on the listing.
Happy Listening.