Has anyone ever heard these speakers by Volti Audio?

I have read a few things about Volti Audio (in Nashville TN). Has anyone ever heard a pair?
Most specifically the Vittora : http://voltiaudio.com/vittora/.
These might really match well with my tube amp but are quite expensive.

Showing 1 response by kennythekey

I spent some time listening to the Vittorias at RMAF a number of years ago. I think the room got best sound that year paired with Border Patrol amplification. I had an issue with the room however, so one of those long and narrow hotel rooms with the speakers on the long wall and near the corners. I don't think I was even ten feet from the front wall with my back against the rear wall. The presentation was extremely open, airy, and surrounded me as if I was inside of a pair of headphones. That's how I remember it, but it made me wonder what the sound would be like in a more normal listening environment.