Has anyone ever heard these speakers by Volti Audio?

I have read a few things about Volti Audio (in Nashville TN). Has anyone ever heard a pair?
Most specifically the Vittora : http://voltiaudio.com/vittora/.
These might really match well with my tube amp but are quite expensive.
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Showing 4 responses by david_ten

I'll be setting up Volti Audio's Demo Rivals in my room / system shortly. This is my first experience with the company and Greg's speakers.

Any thoughts or advice from those who have exposure / ownership?

Have a couple of days on the Rivals. In my system/room I'd have to say that there is great emotional involvement and musicality.

Still very early in my time with them. More after a few days.
@phusis  I'm new to horn speakers and your post is truly educational for me. Thank You! A trip to Brighton and a meeting with Mr. Mears would be a really nice add on to a future planned Vincent Brient and  ~ Mont Saint-Michel meeting. 
@phusis  Coincidently, today, I received an IEM cable from Linum/Estron out of Denmark. Perhaps a trip to Gryphon should also be on the itinerary. : )