Has anyone considered reverse stereo playback?

My experience with recordings in the home stereo cd playback is that they are many times a reverse soundstage from the actual concert experience. It really bothers me that the piano, guitar etc. are on the opposite side of my room from what it was in the actual concert. I am at the point of reversing my speaker wires to better capture the "concert experience". Does this bother anyone else? What have you done about it? Is this something I should accept?

Showing 2 responses by zowie

Severa early stereo preamps had a L R reverse function. Too bad that function has been dropped.
No, it's primarily a problem for classical music. It's disconcerting (dis-concerting?) to hear an orchestra or string quartet set up in a mirror image.

As for drums, I don't think it's generally a good mixing practice to have them spread out on the left and right. It can sound cool in a sound-effect-y sort of way, and sometimes that can be an artistic choice, but you get a stereo image of a drummer that has arms about eight feet long. This detracts from audience-perspective recordings, jazz combos, and the like.