Has anybody tried Qobuz Streaming service?

Hi and thanks for reading!

Has anybody tried Qobuz and compared it to TIDAL? I read that Qobuz streams 24/196 files which may be higher than even TIDAL Master quality?? If you have made the switch to Qobuz, was it easy to integrate into your streaming system?

I look forward to hearing from people who have tried Qobuz and either loved it or disliked it compared to TIDAL.


Showing 3 responses by mlsstl

I'm enjoying Qobuz through my Vortexbox/LMS music server, routed through a Squeezebox Touch into a Bel Canto DAC. No problems with skipping, pausing or delays. Sound quality is excellent. I plan on sticking with the service
edcyn, sorry to hear you are having problems, but you said nothing about the hardware/software you are using. Tough to help with a question like this without those details, along with your ISP info. Have you had any problems with video streaming from Netflix or another video provider?
The main problem with Amazon is that unlike Tidal, Qobuz and others, they will not share their interface requirements (API) with third parties. That means many of us cannot play Amazon music, lossless or not, through our systems without changing equipment.