Has any one heard Magico Speakers?

Word of buzz quite strong, 6 moons preview points to something quite interesting...any one have 1st had exp?

Showing 16 responses by wslam

It was a real pleasure to have finally meet with Alon Wolf at a gathering organized by the HK dealer, Sound Chamber. Alon passed by HK after attending a Hi-Fi show in Japan. The gathering was small and two Magico setup were up and playing, including the familiar Audio Research Reference (610T) setup driving a pair of Magico Mini and the USD98k Model 6 setup driven by a Japanese preamp/amp setup, called "Ba labo" (http://www.ba-labo.com/). The preamp costs USD50k, and the amp costs USD70k.

Another friend of mine, also a MM owner, went to the gathering. We chatted briefly and listened to both the Model 6 and Mini setup. The Model 6 sounded very smooth and threw a huge soundstage. The sound is much fuller but remain very well mannered, very well proportioned, and ultimately, realistically balanced. There was none of the bloatedness so often found with larger speakers. The highs on the Model 6 sounded very different to my ears. It was a different rendering, very detailed, no edginess at all. But it sounded very different from the Mini's Super Revelator. Alon explained to me what kind of tweeter it was but I have already forgotten.

Due to another appointment, my friend and I left early, but decided to get together with Alon on Monday to lunch with him. I asked my other friend, also a MM owner (so together 3 MM owners) to join us as well.

We got more time to talk with Alon during lunch and we touched on various topics, from photography to, of course, speakers. He is very approachable and his 'attitude' towards 'sloppiness' is obvious. It is clear that Alon is a perfectionist and believes that speakers design need to be a 'science' first before an 'art' form. For example, he mentioned that speakers should not be thought of as instruments since the speakers cabinets, for example, must play a minimal role in the sound. His criticisms on many well known brands left me a deep impression, and his explainations on various design philosophies (such as ported vs sealed) also made some very convincing (and true imho) arguments. He explains to us the construction of the Mini, the parts he used etc. All truly impressive, and all because he wants to make them a statement 2 way loudspeaker.

Apparently, the whole Mini project started because of one of his audio-industry friends in Hong Kong requested him to make the best he could for a 2 way speakers for the HK market.

The three of us came back feeling really good that we bought the Mini. He did hint at us that some new products are on the horizon (I cannot imagine any company sitting on their butts not doing anything new), but more importantly, he reassured us that the Mini is a true statement product that will become a classic. The three of us (owners) have listened to a large range of speakers in the 22k range, and frankly, none of us could 'go back' to the mass produced sound. The Magico Mini are truly a class above and are excellent value. The high quality RAW parts used, the craftmanship, and ultimately, the sound quality, truly make them a classic 2 way design.
I did add a link, but I think it was removed by the system?
The forum I am referring to IS the TAS forum. So maybe you can try to go to TAS website and follow the navigation there to go to the forum. Many official TAS reviewers are talking about the Magico there.
There's an interesting thread on the Mini where I have been participating, sharing my own experiences with the Magico Mini.
I am happy to say that after 3 rounds of intensive listening, I have finally purchased the Magico Mini to replace my Revel Salon. They are as extreme as speakers can be and represent a total shift in 'direction': From a 4 way, 7 driver system to a 2 way standmount speaker. I firmly believe this is the right move.

To get more out from the TAS Review, go visit TAS forum. There's a 3 page thread on the MM where I also shared my experiences.

Cheers, ws
Once you learn to appreciate the nearly textbook execution and the advantages of a sealed enclosure design, I think you will no longer look for a comparison between the Magico and the Kharma CRM3.2. Again, someone has discussed this in the TAS forum, and the user ended up with the Magico as well. Truly special speakers. ws
To Response34. 20k standmount speakers may seem like an obscene amount, but if ou visit the TAS forum thread, a nice analogy has been made up by another buyer, who compares the Magico as "Wagyu" and many others as "Meatloaf". They are not that small in real life and in fact command quite a presence in most moderately sized room. Hope you manage to carry such a fine line of products.
what kind of distance are you talking about?
note that the the ring revelator are meant to be listened to slightly off axis. if you pt them directly at you in an eq triangle, they will sound 'hot'

and bill, at the 20k range, the MM deserves a listen by any demanding music lover. you will be doing a great service to your cusomters by bringing them in! =)
5.5 feet is very nearfield....even studio nearfield monitors may require more space

I would not recommend the MM.
I will try to answer everyon's questions. This forum is so user-unfriendly...

Salon vs MM. Not really apples to apples. I am selling my Salon to a friend, and I am going to tell you the same thing as I told him. The Salon does *everything* well. They are extremely well engineered. The MM however takes sound reproduction from an entirely different approach. The fact that Alon Wolf chose to use an Acoustic Suspection design is his way to make a statement imo. And the results (I also briefly heard the Magico Model 6 (USD98k) are indeed different. Namely, the transients responses, the dynamics (macro and micro) are in a totally different league.
However, when you look at the Salon, it can reach 20Hz in-room with 'ease' and authority. The Salon does *more*, but the 'region' where the MM works, it works SO much better then the Salon (well, differently anyway).

They maintain a very 'full' sound even under low volume. This was a surprise to me, but they work beautifully at lower volume. (like right now! =) )

Mr. Rothermel,
I am sure you can get by with a LOT less money. The MM are one of those 'finer things in life'. I only wish I have the space for the Model 6 and I would spend 98k on them.

You do sound like you have a very interesting room setup. One very important thing I have come to learn, is that the MM loves space from the sidewalls. I started with 28in from sidewalls, and they are now close to 40in from sidewalls. The changes are dramatic. Once they move closer to the sidewalls, you lose a little more of that 'magic'.

You should definitely hunt down a pair and listen. They are truly remarkable.
Hi sirspeedy70680,
You are absolutely right. The Salon does everything well. The MM does most of the 'everything' EXTREMELY well. And you are absolutely correct aboud the suureal dynamics of the MM. If you look at the MM's woofer when it is playing music, you will see how much more it nees to move. I assume this has something to do with the sealed box design. Sealed box sounds 'so right'. I think our idea of bass is all a little twisted by the overwhelming number of ported designs on the market....
If you like the 3.2, the more reason you should listen to the MM. there was an indepth comparison between the 3.2 and MM, and the poster ended up buying the MM.
Hi again sirspeedy70680,
I know what you are saying. It is until the MM that I come to appreciate the sound of a sealed box over ported designs. Given two equally equally well designed sealed and ported designs, I think I will now always choose the sealed one.
Bass Pump is 'fun'. It's hard to complain you have too much bass. But to do any sort of critical listening, it should not be for one to detect the superior articulation of a sealed box.
Hi Dan,
I have listened to the Model 6! They are simply magically magico. Despite the heft, my first impression was how nicely proportioned (and correctly) they sound. No bloatedness in the bottom end. Midrange is so 'solid', rich, and the highs have such a 'full body' that the super revelator on the Mini simply cannot achieve.
They are, USD98k. It only seems to make sense for Magico to fill the gap between the 22k Mini and the 98k, sooner or mater. I am waiting.
Don't dismiss the Mini. The name and their sizes are truly misleading.
haha. hifi-ish?! magico? ok. my experience is so different... I don't think we have any sort of common grounds to discuss! =)

we are too used to the distorted ported design. it is sometimes 'shocking' to hear something so truthful in its entire presentation!
I actually like the fact that they named it 'Mini'! The understated nature of the word is meant to be deceiving and imho, comical. =)