Has any one heard Magico Speakers?

Word of buzz quite strong, 6 moons preview points to something quite interesting...any one have 1st had exp?

Showing 1 response by sponte

I've had a pair of Magico Minis for maybe six months now. I bought them used on Audiogon at half price. I've owned lots of speakers over the last thirty years and I've heard lots more. Nothing else I've ever heard can touch them in any way, in any parameter. Imaging, clarity, accuracy, pick any of the nouns we use to try to describe the sound of a speaker, any noun at all, and these little monitors are the best at doing that noun that I've ever heard.
Expensive? Oh yes. But they cost what they cost because they do what they do. Anything else is less. I would have spent full price to buy them, once I heard them, I just got lucky enough to get them at a much reduced price.
So there is really no discussion needed here, none at all. These are the best there are. Either someone can afford them or they can't. If they can, they have the best speaker in the world, at least the best I've ever heard. And if they can't afford them, they don't have the best speaker in the world. See how simple it is?