Has any one heard Magico Speakers?

Word of buzz quite strong, 6 moons preview points to something quite interesting...any one have 1st had exp?

Showing 6 responses by sirspeedy70680e509

I feel the reason Mr. Valin did not include a Kharma comparison was so as NOT to burn bridges.Let's face it.He got a load of Kharma stuff for extended use.My perspective was to read between the lines.Owning a superb sealed box design,myself(Avalon Ascents),I never wanted to move to the ported Avalons(Eidolon) as they never appealed to me,and I'm not too affected by marketing,in my old age.
As to the Magico Mini,I have a sneaky suspicion they will outperform the 3.2's(opinion only),and I do like the 3.2's alot.Yet the FABULOUS owners manual coming with my Ascents(no longer made available by the "new" Avalon corp)speaks,in VOLUMES,to the subject of ported vs sealed enclosures.
A good perspective,and common sense goes a long way!!

BTW,Wslam...Though I have not heard your fine set-up,I'm willing to bet you have much better image specificity,and front to back depth.Something a speaker like the Mini should do in spades.As to the issue of ports....many folks really like alot of "Bass Pump"!In all due respect some folks prefer this to true accuracy,in the lower regions.That's a major reason I have kept,and LOVE my Avalon Ascents.Sealed box with fabulous detail,in bass/mid-bass.Yet,as I will downsize my room in about two to three years,it is nice to know therte is something out there for me!

To me,on paper,this looks like a real contender to be taken very seriously.I did see the designer's profile,and he looks to be highly trained,and capable.

I'm willing to bet that this two way becomes very well known,as opposed to well owned(due to price).As to the lack of return e-mails,I sort of understand that this is a new, "high line" co.,and there is only so much manpower available to deal with us all.This should probably self correct with time,but I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt.

BTW--the Peak is supposed to be superb,but I have also heard the JM Labs Micro Be,and BOY is that thing a "WINNER".It's alot less dough than either of the first two contenders as well.

Best regards.
I have heard quite a few superb speakers sound lousy,at times.Particularly in dealer showrooms,or Hi Fi shows.I doubt if the Magico Mini is anything other than superb,in a system owned by a well heeled,experienced music lover.
My own speakers(Classic,superb,and flawlessly maintained Avalon Ascent Mk II's),also a sealed box,and very hard to voice correctly,sounded like "dreck" when I auditioned them,at first.I am glad I took that session with a grain of salt.It amazes me how good these designs remain.Regardless of price.The Mini seems to me,to approach this level of "in a decade,or two,it will still be of heirloom standards"!!Room size not-with-standing.
I,now,have a dear friend leaning towards the Verity Ovations.He has a small,but good,room,with superb supporting equipment.I have mentioned he seriously consider the "Mini's",but he,like others,does not like the "M"(mini)word.I am willing to bet it is the more accurate transducer,to what is on the disc.No disrespect to the wonderful Ovations.Of course there are a "ton" of superb mini woofs(which take up little space),to blend the bottom most octaves.No need to go over the top with huge sub/monsters,these days of high tech stuff(some of which actually work).
I will assume he will be none the better off,as I'll bet this Mini will become a classic!
Wslam,thanks for the thoughtful response.I have heard the Salons,and liked(not loved)them.Yet,I do believe a really good(rare)two way has a very coherent presentation.One I am fascinated with.I know,from Jeff Rowland,who I have spoken with,that the Minis are "WAY" dynamic,and he stated the folks who have heard his speakers were "amazed" at the performance vs size.Hence,my curiosity for you to post,as I know the Salons are very well designed,and go full range.Maybe a little too much,but very nice.
Obviously room size and placement factor "Big Time" in ultimate performance(there is a limit to bass depth,anyway,and I am not of the ilk that must shatter plaster....I like the Kharma 3.2,for this reason).
From the new pictures,you posted of your Mini set-up,I must assume you have "MAXI" sound!
Btw,I have a dear friend,who is not as brave as you(in going for a Mini(not really)monitor.He has a speaker way too big,for his room,which is small,but he can't digest the "Mini Monitor" word!His loss,as these(though the Ridgestreet Audios look WAY cool)would be perfection,in his room.To me there is NO matching a good sealed enclosure.Just my opinion.He,also runs a superb Rowland 8t,which would drive the Magico's to perfection,IMO!