Has any one heard Magico Speakers?

Word of buzz quite strong, 6 moons preview points to something quite interesting...any one have 1st had exp?

Showing 3 responses by boa2

To make this easier ... just listen to them. Form your own first hand impression ... hear them for yourself.
I'm trying to do just that. I wrote to Mr. Wolf and asked if I could hear the speakers, but was informed that the closest dealer is in Southern CA. In fact, I live only an hour's drive from Mr. Wolf, but must travel 400 miles--or attend CES--in order to hear his products. He suggested that if I were to purchase a pair of speakers after auditioning them in Southern CA, the dealer would be happy to reimburse me the cost of the airfare. Like I said, I'm trying here.

Granted, everyone has the right to do business in the manner he/she chooses. However, I find this approach to be most un-accommodating, and it marks the first time a manufacturer has responded as such.
No one is footing the plane fare to audition the speakers. If you will read the post again, the offer of a plane fare reiumbursement was contingent upon the PURCHASE of the speakers. So you've missed the point entirely.

Furthermore, I just received a book of poetry in the mail, written by my eleven year-old niece. Therefore, I'm going to read it before bed, and forget this entire exchange. By comparison, it's simply pointless, and your pithy tone is not sitting well.
Ceol writes:
To find out I hauled my minimalist sytem up to Oakland in Novemeber
So as recent as 4-6 weeks ago, this was a possibility?

Jack, frankly I don't really care how you see it, as your play in this scenario does not involve taking the time to fly to San Diego, but simply to express an opinion with a keyboard. And I'm not really sure why you keep jumping to the defense of a person who is from his responses quite capable of answering for himself. Clearly, you have a declared allegiance to several companies whose products you own, but where do you fit in here?

Yes, we're talking about ultra hi-end products, but hardly custom or one-offs. I don't give a damn about the plane fare. We're talking about a widely advertised, pre-delineated product LINE, from a 10+ year old company who has no dealer within 500 miles of me. Apparently, Ceol brought along his system from San Diego to audition the speakers in November. All I was looking to do was make the one-hour drive to hear them. As I said, if that's not within the scope of Magico's business policies, then I accept that. Everyone has a right to do business in the manner he/she deems appropriate.

Thank you for the response, Alon. I can appreciate your position. I'm sure it was a hassle to have people auditioning your products as you were trying to work. I just happen to be on the verge of starting a business that will be a 7-day-a-week operation, and won't have the time to go to San Diego, lest our business brings us there in due time. So, we'll see. In the meantime, best of luck to you.

Thank you as well, Jay, for the kind response. You've made my point. I'm willing to make the drive, just as I did when I wanted to hear the Wilsons in Berkeley, or the Silverlines in Walnut Creek. It's just that right now I can't get on a plane to come hear them. As well, I wouldn't audition speakers right after a plane ride. In any event, I understand you are doing what you can given the circumstances, and I appreciate your cordiality.

Enjoy the New Year, everyone.
