Has any one heard Magico Speakers?

Word of buzz quite strong, 6 moons preview points to something quite interesting...any one have 1st had exp?

Showing 1 response by audioari1

Maybe you guys should check out the DK Design Group X-Dream. It may just be the speaker that can go head to head with the Magico - http://www.positive-feedback.com/Issue20/dkdesignsf7.htm

The interesting thing is, both companies have a very similar design philosophy. Both use extremely massive aluminum machined enclosures, cross-over parts from Mundorf, and the most exotic drivers in the world. The 8 inch woofer on the X-Dream can do 1 inch of linear excursion, suggesting enormous bass output from a small enclosure - which is also similar to the huge excursion capability of the Magico Mini woofer.

The X-Dream costs a bit more, but it is a floorstander machined out of 350lbs of aluminum each. It would be really interesting to do a listening comparison between these two models.