Has any one heard Magico Speakers?

Word of buzz quite strong, 6 moons preview points to something quite interesting...any one have 1st had exp?

Showing 4 responses by alon

Mr Wolf is right here! If you like to bash and trash, you better have your story right. First, you said “note is the company's refusal to answer emails or return calls” but then, on your second reply, you mention that you had the pleasure of “communicating with Mr. Wolf on several occasions”. I wonder how you had communicated with me if I do not reply back to emails or phone calls. Did we ever meet? Who are you anyway? Where have you heard the MINI? What is your agenda?
I appreciate your kind respond. In fact, it calmed me right back down. I guess I should hang around more often so I can understand better this form “unspoken rules of conduct”. Thanks.

We will be showing the MINI at T.H.E. SHOW, in room #2101. Please stop by and take them for a spin.
As far as your question, the MINI finish is completely clear coated. What you see is what you get: highly polished 17 layers of Baltic Birch Plywood and hard anodized 6061T-6 Aluminum (all 300 lbs of it).

I know it is frustrating to hear that. How do you think it makes us feel? But it is simply part of our growing up. A year ago, we did not even have a dealer in CA at all. We are no longer demoing our products in our facility. It is too much for a manufacturer to deal with. That is why we have dealers. Not very many but if you are serious about buying a $20K loudspeaker, a short flight to San Diego should not discourage you. Especially, if the dealer is offering to reimburse you for your troubles. Think how many, much more established, companies have no representation in the Bay Area or California at all. We doing the best we can. I am truly sorry that at this point, it is not good enough for you. Hopefully, we will get some representation in the Bay Area soon.

