Harmonic Technology vs Acoustic Zen Recomendations

I have done a lot of research into both companys’ interconnects. I realize the best way to make a decision after thorough research is to audition within my system. I would like to have some discourse on the HT Pro Silway II vs. the Matrix Reference, and possibly the Silver Reference.

I am looking to determine which interconnect will MOST LIKELY sound best with good solid state electronics (Kenwood L-02T tuner and L-02A integrated amp and Denon DCD-1650AR player) and Thiel 3.6 or Vandersteen 4A speakers (for those unfamiliar with the L-02A, it is on par with some of the very best with a dampening factor of 10,000). I know everything is relative, but surely some comments could come forward as to the best likelihood of sonic bliss on a budget with regard to these ICs. With both cables having their origin from Robert Lee, they may be more alike than different. What might be the differences? TIA, Jason

Showing 1 response by mrowlands

This much I can say, the Pro-Silway Mk IIs that I loved so much with a tube preamp were however a little too fatiguing with an all solid state system and Thiel CS 1.5s. My room is pretty well damped, but I must sit only 8 ft away. More distance might help. The Vandersteens are supposed to be darker, and may make a better match. If you go with the Thiels, Cardas or MIT cables may be a better match. I'm beginning to believe that the cables that get raved about with most speakers aren't necessarily a good match for phase and time aligned speakers.

Mike R.