Harmonic Tech/Nordost/Acoustic Zen/Kimber? on Sim

The system is all Simaudio Moon products as follows;
W-10 Monoblocks
P-5 Preamp
Eclipse CD Player
Magnepan 20R's

Need help/experience with a great match with interconnects, speaker wire and componets.

Considerations from;
Harmonic Tech...Pro-Silway XLR, Pro-9 Plus speaker
Nordost.........Red Dawn XLR and Red Dawn speaker
Acoustic Zen....Matrix Reference XLR and Satori speaker
Kimber Kable....from Hero to KCAG XLR and Monocle speaker

Any any all thoughts are greatly appreciated and thanks for looking. Just trying to learn from other people's expertise on matching cables and system componets. Dave.
I have a P-5 pre running into a Bryston amp, and I am in the same boat as you trying to find good cable matchs. I don't know how balanced your system is at the moment, but I was uncomfortably in need of some warmth. Switched to HT truthlink from cd to P-5 and that was a near perfect match. The silway could work for you if you don't need to warm things up. I am looking at thoese for my P-5 to Amp xlr run, also the Pro-9's for speaker.

There are a lot of posts about AZ vs. HT cables. Could try the cable company and see what they recommend.