Hardy cartridge

Being a klutz, I keep destroying the stylus on my ADC XLM II. It is in a low mass Magnepan Unitrac in my 'B' system.
Thinking about all the abuse DJs give their styli. Is there anything rugged but decent sounding of highish compliance I might want?
Classical and Jazz.

Showing 1 response by wolfie62

I own many ADC carts and have NEVER broken or damaged one in 40+ years. Truly, if you’re really that clumsy, NO cartridge is safe in your hands! Not a Grado, AT, Shure, Ortofon, or heaven forbid an MC cartridge! 

I have the ADC Point 4 with nude conical 0.4 mil stylus, the 660, 770, 10E MKII, 220XE, 10E MKIV, 25, 26, Q36, XLM, XLM MKII and MKIII, NAD 9200/9300, VLM, ZLM MKIII, QLM 36/34/32/30, Astrion, TRX-2, PSX-30/40. Never, ever, damaged a stylus. 
I have 108 cartridges, 150+ styli. I change headshells and styli 2-3 times per day. Never damaged a stylus or cartridge. 
Before you buy another cartridge or stylus, learn how to handle what you have!