Hardwood floors vs Carpet

I am about to pull my carpet flooring to install wood flooring in my home. I had a non-audiophile over who stated that the acoustics will change with the addition of wood vs carpet. It dawned on me that he was likely correct. Anyone know what changes in sound could be forthcoming with wood flooring? I have recently got my system to sound like ive alwasy wanted and hope this home improvement doesnt serve to be a audio downgrade.

Showing 1 response by subaruguru

Hi Red,
I agree re dispersion issues and SIDEWALL reflections, but won't most forward-firing transducers have floor-bounce problems regardless of lateral tweeter "flare", etc?
To the thread-head: I would be VERY surprised if you don't hear a MAJOR spectral and temporal (smearing) change after you remove the rugs.
Adding a large area rug WITH a thick horsehair pad will undoubtedly help to recapture the response you enjoyed before.
Good Luck! Ern