Hardwood floors vs Carpet

I am about to pull my carpet flooring to install wood flooring in my home. I had a non-audiophile over who stated that the acoustics will change with the addition of wood vs carpet. It dawned on me that he was likely correct. Anyone know what changes in sound could be forthcoming with wood flooring? I have recently got my system to sound like ive alwasy wanted and hope this home improvement doesnt serve to be a audio downgrade.

Showing 2 responses by jaykapur

Hardwood is great for live music. SUCKS for audio reproductions though! Replace that carpet with some new carpet in your listening room. I can say from experience that hardwood is floors are going to cost your system, if you care about sound quality. You'll spend a fortune on room treatments and oriental rugs trying to patch the problems the hardwood creates.
Khrys -

Reverberant floors and walls help carry the sound from a tiny instrument all the way to the back of the hall. This is good so you can hear the music from far away.

Some reflection in your listening room is good, but too much is bad because you loose the accuracy of the recording. You are sitting right up close next to the speakers and you want to hear the music accurately from the speakers, not the walls.