Hardware or source materail

Hello –

The following is for context.

I am an old guy. I grew up in the days a Mac 225, AR3a, EPI, Phase Linear. I have only recently stopped working full time so I bought the following for my small office listening area, about 12x12.

Debut Carbon/Ortofon Blue


Denon 600NE


B&W 8” 300 watt Sub (sealed)

I mostly listen to orchestral, Steely Dan, Miles, Brubeck, Krall, Botti – you get the idea. I also am season holder for LA Phil and Hollywood Bowl so I know what “real” music sounds like.

My little system may not be to everyone’s taste but I find it fills my little space well.

Here is the quandary:

Like most, I am always thinking about the next “upgrade” for improved fidelity. Don’t need loud or to fill big space. However, I just purchased a half-speed (45 RPM) Brubeck and was absolutely astonished at the dynamic range and sound quality. I believe that what it is telling me is that with the right input the hardware I have is maximized.

Obviously, a $7K amp and equally expensive supporting components would be even better. But how much better? Is the investment in better source material a better use of funds? After all, that will always be available if the hardware is improved. You can buy a lot of $60-150 vinyl records (or CDs made from masters) for the 15 to $20K hardware cost.


Showing 5 responses by sbsail9

Probably so. But I posted this on several audio sites and so far, no one has answered the core question. 

It seems to me that everyone is focused on their XYZ 1000 and not on, shall we say, the actual sound. I fully acknowledged in my original post that better hardware would make a difference. 

The question remains: If a $60 vinyl record (vs a $30 mass produced one) has such a huge impact on the audio quality vis a vis the actual sound that I hear, would you not spend your money on more of the high quality source material first? 

Have I touched the third rail of so called Audiophile-ness"

Thank you all for your responses. I did try the Schiit Mani 2 and it was the worst. Their support was limited to "just use the factory settings". I test using the Ortofon test vinyl.Tracking  and separation seems fine with the CA. Tracked everything up to the 80 um and broke up on the 90 and just bounced on the 100. I think the spec on the Blue is 80. This would seem to indicate that the issue was in the Schiit not the 'table.

I have not given up on the improved phono stage. I am looking around. Perhaps a tube but since I would still run through the CA, not sure if it is worth the expense vs as SS.

AKGWIZ - I think you may have it inverted. The blue is the upgrade to the red which BTW did make a noticeable improvment. 

I spent some time at Excel Audio in Newport Beach and auditioned some gear. Some of the best available and it was very impressive. My issue is that my room is so small it seems to me that I would reach a point of dimminishing returns very quickly. 

This has been a very informative series for me. I thank you all for your responses. I will look into a stand alone phono pre. Any suggestions? Tube vs SS? My CA AXR was about $600 so not expensive. Any phono stage would be played through the CA which is SS amp. Dunno if that makes any real difference.100/watts/side though I rarely have it past 75% of power, small room and, well, wife.