"Hardly Used / Less than 100 Hours / Took out for pics only"????

I'm constantly baffled and confused by the number of ads I read that say the item for sale has barely been used.  

I try not to be distrustful, but I feel like you're either in this hobby or you're not.  There's nothing more fun than the anticipation of a new piece of gear and what it might do to your system! 

If you have a piece of equipment, why wouldn't you set it up and give it a couple of months.  We all know that it takes awhile for the item to break in, or for your ears to adjust.  

Dealers aside, why would anyone in this hobby own something that has less than 100 hours on it?


Showing 2 responses by pindac

I've got a Hana SL Cartridge with very little usage hours and now unused for approx' 4 years. 

I've also got the original Pink Floyd 'The Pulse' Vinyl that is still in Cellophane, actually still in the HMV  Plastic Bag with the purchase receipt. 

@mjmcubfn Pink Floyd 'The Pulse' what a important part of my life associated with musical encounters 'The Pulse' performance has been.

Firstly, I was at the Royal Albert Hall Concert, which might just have been the pinnacle of venues for such an experience, relating to the venue being a designed space to extract the most attraction to the Human Ear from produced sound, especially music. Over my years of being in my 20's -30's I have been to Concerts at this Venue on at least five occasions, if your not looking for a Mosh Pit, and really want to experience the overall performance the venue suits just fine.

Secondly, the recently departed Tim Di Paravicini (TDP) has been the Sound Engineer for the Live Recording of 'The Pulse' and I may be proven wrong on this but recollection seems to suggest the mass of the PA System was electrostatic speakers, not too commonly found in use at a Rock Concert.

Thirdly, I attended a London Based HiFi Event whare I stumbled upon a exhibit room was occupied by EAR? - (TDP). In this Room was Quad ESL 57's directly coupled to (TDP) Valve Amp's being used to replay 'The Pulse' Master Tapes.

This experience changed my Audio Equipment Life for good, I acquired very recent Quad Services 57's and had Commission Built 845 Valve Power Amp's used to Drive Them. Both are still in use today with the only change being stacked 57's.

Why??? have I not replayed the original, as today's explanation, I'm saving it for when life needs a real pep up, as all other 'The Pulse' Experiences, have had a profound effect of making one feel good. 🕺