Hardcore Tube preamp/amp user turn SS fan.........

Any hardcore TUBE pre/amp users turned SS fan and never look back... Tell us you story.............

Showing 2 responses by glen

Sean, Make mine a Blonde Thanks!! As for the tube/SS thing. I have two systems in my house. One tube (stereo) and one SS (Home/theatre) I like them both. Yes they sound a little different, but that doesn't make one better than the other.

The only negative thing with tubes is laying out the cash for new ones every year, and they tend to warm up the bedroom a bit in the summer.

Honestly I love them both, but if I had to pick between the two I would probably choose the tube system for stereo sound.

Also I have to mention that glowing tubes at night when all the lights are off is more romantic than candle light IMO :^)