Harbeth vs. Tyler

Newbie here (long-time musician), looking for my first (and hopefully last) real set-up. Planning a system around a Creek Destiny amp for a moderately sized bedroom. Listen to everything from classical to hip-hop, but not at excessively loud volumes. I've heard good things about both of these brands of speakers, and wanted to know if anyone has experience with both of these and can describe the differences. Unfortunately I'm not in a place where I can audition either of them. I'm particularly interested in the compact 7's and the linbrook bookshelves, but would welcome any general comments as well. Thanks for the knowledge . . .

Showing 1 response by muzikat

I have had the Harbeth Compact 7es2, Monitor 30, still have the HLP3-es2.
Also had the Tyler reference monitors.
They all are very nice, but with all due respect to Tyler, and he is a nice guy too, Harbeth makes a better speaker.
Bartokfan, I must disagree about the quality of Harbeth, it is top notch. The Harbeths are put together with screws for a reason, they call it a lossy cabinet. They breathe like a fine woodwind instrument. More about the lossy cabinet can be found on the Harbeth website where they have a fine usergroup/chatroom.