Harbeth vs. Tyler

Newbie here (long-time musician), looking for my first (and hopefully last) real set-up. Planning a system around a Creek Destiny amp for a moderately sized bedroom. Listen to everything from classical to hip-hop, but not at excessively loud volumes. I've heard good things about both of these brands of speakers, and wanted to know if anyone has experience with both of these and can describe the differences. Unfortunately I'm not in a place where I can audition either of them. I'm particularly interested in the compact 7's and the linbrook bookshelves, but would welcome any general comments as well. Thanks for the knowledge . . .

Showing 2 responses by blkadr

Harbeth uses a different approach to cabinet resonance control. Instead of massive panels that absorb/store energy, they use light panels that dissipate energy quickly, I believe. The only reviews that are hard to find are negative ones. Harbeth has an enviable reputation, they were one of the original manufacturers of the LS3/5a.
I had the Taylos at one point, and never really got the sound sorted out in my system. I felt I was battling a meddle woofer sound. Other speakers including Totem Ones used in comparison did not seem to have this signature. Keep in mind this is just my experience, as you know many here at Audiogon have reported much better results.
I have never compaired these speakers side by side, but if I were going on faith, I would probably lean towards the Harbeths.
Bartokfan hates the way the Harbeths look, hates the British sound and hates poly woofers... but does not mention whether he has actually heard the Harbeths. Please tell me you are not trashing the sound of a speaker you have never heard just to promote your favorite brand? By the way, the poly driver that "looks cheap" is a made exclusively by Harbeth (RADIAL), unlike others who, for good or bad, use "off the shelf" drivers. Frankly, offhand comments like these inspire little confidence in one's opinion.