Harbeth vs. Tyler

Newbie here (long-time musician), looking for my first (and hopefully last) real set-up. Planning a system around a Creek Destiny amp for a moderately sized bedroom. Listen to everything from classical to hip-hop, but not at excessively loud volumes. I've heard good things about both of these brands of speakers, and wanted to know if anyone has experience with both of these and can describe the differences. Unfortunately I'm not in a place where I can audition either of them. I'm particularly interested in the compact 7's and the linbrook bookshelves, but would welcome any general comments as well. Thanks for the knowledge . . .

Showing 7 responses by bartokfan

well for one thing you ought to do your research. For Tyler you can read all the posts on audiogon and also on Tyler;s web site and also Sally renolyd's review on the Tyler Lin Sys 2. back in Oct 06. The Taylo i believe uses the scanspeak tweet. I prefer the Seas Excel tweet Ty uses in his Linbrook designs.
Not sure where you can find reviews on Harbeths. I did n't like the looks of any of their speakers. very cheap looking, and way over priced.
Ahh here's the big difference for me. harbeth is british. i do not like the british sound. Though Ooka may like it. Its personal preference. And i was not refering only to the cabinet. The poly drivers look cheap.
Mark S's "dis-information" comment that the Tyler's "Lack natural tonal qualities and musicalities". Mark your opinion goes totally against everything Sally Renolyds wrote in Oct issue of Absolute Sound. Also go to audioreview.com. Every review gives Tyu 5 stars, not one negative comment. Look at the comments here on audiogon feedback, read the happy owners opinions. Then go to his web site where anyone can freely chime in whatever they feel.
Now read what you just wrote. Don't worry, its only your opinion, no harm done.
Sonfun you really like to back up your country's products. Lets keep things civil OK. No need to go into trashy uncool remarks. I gave my opinion, you went beyond the bounds. If the Harbeth is such a great speaker , nothing i say could/would take away from its stellar qualities.
Newbee good point. You'll never see Seas and Dr Appolito renaming the thor 'thor mk2'. Its a final design. Madisound offers you an upgrade version of the xover, which i galdly pd $150 more. The design has been out now 5 or 6 yrs and its the same speaker/crossover. I think the odin went through a slight revision, so they named it odin Mk2. I suspect Tyler will maintain his designs the smae over the yrs. Ty will not come out with Linbrook Mk2. Now you can contact Ty and he will make adjustments per request in some of the xover values.
All these labs with Mk2, Mk3, MK4's getting you to believe its a total different speaker is something i don't buy into.
Read the story behind the Seas Excel driver. That is a unique design with quite a history to it. Poly midwoofers are a "dime a dozen".
Been around since the 70's. And after 30 yrs I still hate their sound.
Well mark don't believe Sally. Like you I don;t believe mags reviews either. On this one she was correct. In spite of her throwing in a compliment on the Spendor. Which I subsequently heard and totatlly disagree with her on.As I say I am not a fan of the british speaker. But did you read the reviews on audioreview.com, type in Tyler. No you haven't. Neither have you read any of the unbiased comments of Tyler owners on his site and on audiogon's feedback for Tyler. I have the ability to read through hype. been there done that. I can read between the lines. I'm never fooled by hype. I know when its the real deal, and when its voodoo.
Interesting that the comments made on Ty's open forum line up closely with reviews here and on Audioreview.com.
Ooka ha sto do his own DD and make his decision. Thats how I found my speakers, through hours of research. And I had a good idea of what i wanted and my hunch paid off.