Harbeth Super HL5 Plus speakers & integrated amp pairing recommendations

I'm seeking suggestions for an integrated amp to match with a pair of Harbeth Super HL5 Plus speakers that I recently acquired. I listen to mostly smooth jazz via streaming or CDs, no vinyl.  My listening room measures 22' x 22' with 11' ceilings.  I welcome your recommendations for integrated amps.  Thank you. 

Showing 4 responses by rcalderon

Very good suggestions made here. I’m driving mine with an MC275 and I’m very content, however for you I’m recommending the most recent Peach tree model I believe it’s the 500. 
Tswisla, i am curious of how the speakers would sound with a different amp and coincidentally I’m considering getting another mc275 but just because I would like to run two of them. Honestly it depends on your listening habits and source.
i listen at what I consider moderate levels though sometimes my dB meter tells me otherwise. I understand what your saying and I’ve wondered about the same thing but sometimes the music is loud enough at 47-55% and other time I’ll need 67-80. But given the somewhat low sensitivity  of the speakers you may need more power to satisfy you listening needs. I personally would get more efficient speakers since I love my amp. If the MCs are not doing it for you then you may want to switch amps.
Tswisla, I’m going to check out those songs, out of curiosity what impedance outs are you using? The 4 or 8 ohm.
Good IMHO 4ohms is the way to go, I’m curious now I will be listening to those songs.