Harbeth SHL5 vs Dynaudio Special 25 vs...

Okey, which one or what speaker in this price range for musicality, tonal balance, full range, detail, soundstage.
Amplifier will be the Audia Flight 50 class A.
Thank you.
Minotauro's response is why it is so important to listen to the speakers yourself. My Dynaudio's are not at all fatigueing. I have spent some nice quiet winter days in listening sessions from 6am to well past midnight spinning disk after disk and completely at bliss. The room also plays a huge part in this. The special 25 can be bass heavy or boomy when positioned poorly, I think most speakers can be but some are more forgiving than others. I find my 25's do best with limited side wall reinforcement, about 23" from back wall, I also reduce reflection on the back wall and opposite wall. But the bass is so nice, I can get down well below 35Hz I am sure and it is extremely tight. The key for me,I think, is that my side walls are several feet away and do not come into play. I think the 25 might be a bit more unforgiving of set up but this is only a guess.
All I can say is that the Harbeths are very special speakers. They have that rare combination of supreme musicality, incredibly natural tonality with excellent transparency as well. They image like a bandit for conventional box speakers and do other things spectularily well for their price range. I decided to become a dealer for Harbeth after all the positive things I heard and read, and everything is true. The Monitor 30's have that same Harbeth magic wilth a bit less full bottom but with a higher degree of resolution.
But where are the Harbeths in the photos? So they really have adequate bass extension and detail? Can you hear the double bass? Some people say they sound flat and laid back in the mid region.
Apopira, I haven't updated my system in two years. I was mixing and matching stuff a lot and I really did not have a steady system. What I have now is a cheap dvd player, hard drive+ Cal Labs Sigma ll DAC, Naim Nap 150 + Naim 112 and the Harbeths. I am builidng the system around the Harbeths. I am thinking for amplification on a Lavardin IT or a Leben 300 (the Naims are pretty good but I want to explore) and for cables maybe the Signal Siver Resolution.
Regarding the bass and mid range, I love strings and my two favorite instruments are the cello and the double bass, since I got the speakers I find myself listening even more to music that features these prominently. The sound is full bodied and I don`t need a sub.

Going back to compare the HL5 and the Special 25 they are probably closer than any two speakers that I have ever heard and I don`t think that you could go wrong regardless. But In my case and for my biases this is the best speaker that I`ve owned (and I am keeping them for good) with the Special 25 in second place.
Minotauro, I have not heard of the Leben but a quick internet search and I found them. WoW! what a beautiful amp. Have you listened to one? I would like to know where. If that amp sounds even close to how it looks the combination with the Harbeth should be magical. That is an amp I would really like to get a good listen to.