Harbeth SHL5 vs 40.1

I currently own the Harbeth SHL5's and I'm considering upgrading to there 40.1's but I'm wondering how significant the improvement is based on the bucks that these speakers cost. Anyone have experience with these speakers? My Amp is a Cary 120s tube through a Cary SLP05 preamp.

Showing 3 responses by extravaganza

Yes I agree with you Ryder abaut amplifier.I find dynamics and bass of harbeth pretty good,involving,but to get that I need to turn up volume a little bit up normal listening levels,abaut 38db or between 10-11 o'clock.Especialy with rock music.There is no wonder why,because Harbeth's shl5 sensitivity is 86db.I think it is always the case with low sensitivity monitors.Get play them louder a little bit and they start to sing.
Harbeths do sound warm after 1 month listening.But i find high frequecies sound not so open like in other speakers.They sound as they are restricted,it is fine if you listen Jazz music ,chamber etc.Try some pop music and it will be very apparent.
this I took from “The Absolute Sound”review(SHL5s have a certain
relaxation in the region between
2kHz and 4kHz, with a return to
level above that, whereas the M
series are essentially ruler-flat
across this region. This dip in the
region of maximum hearing
sensitivity tempers aggressive
recordings, and arguably makes the
speaker more agreeable over a
wider range of material, though I
personally prefer the M40's behavior
in this regard. I n any case, the dip
gives the SHL5's sound a certain
character in the treble.)This is what I am hearing and describing as shut in-or not so open treble.May be with LFD is diffrent.I don't know