Harbeth SHL5 for Shindo Montille?

How do you think? What kind of match would that be from technical or musical point of view? Worth to try?

Showing 1 response by dspringham

The Harbeth official spec at 86 db is very conservative. One of the British magazines actually measured it at closer to 90 or 91. Also the steady impedance loadline makes for an easy drive for tube amps. I've been running my SHL5's with an Allnic 300b integrated rated at 12.5 wpc. In a reasonably sized room and sitting within 10 foot proximity of the speakers I get all the volume level I need for my satisfaction. My preferred music genre is small jazz trio, acoustic, etc.

Ultimately, the dynamic headroom may be a little compromised with low power tubes but the quality of the presentation makes up for any lack of quantity (ultimate SPL) as far as my preferences go.
