Harbeth 7es-3 Sound

What is the 'Harbeth Sound?'

And what about the new 7es-3 speakers makes them so special?

Can you compare them to my current speakers, Reference 3a De Capo I ?

Showing 2 responses by bongofury

These speakers excel with vocals and mid range, where 90% of all recorded music typically lies. They have a relaxed feel and allow for extended listening--they are very musical in nature. They share a legacy with the original BBC Monitors that were used extensively over a three decade period. Proac, Spendor and Tannoy share similar profiles.
Ryder, if you are actively auditioning small speakers, I can also recommend ATC7s and 11s (which pair well with NAD, Chord, Bryston) and Neat Motives (which pair well with Exposure, LFD and NAIM). All are top tier Canadian and English companies. The ATCs are precise and the Neats are dynamic and smooth.