Happy Holidays and Your Favorite Tips?

Yes, I'm being inclusive. 

What's your favorite tip to audiophiles?  Here is mine:


If you are using a subwoofer with ported main speakers, consider plugging the ports and raising the sub crossover.  Even if you don't have a subwoofer, sometimes plugging one or the other can really reduce bloat.  It's worth listening to it since it's cheap and non destructive (assuming you don't lose your sock in the port).


Showing 1 response by pinthrift

Thanks for the topic, erik_squires

Find a true mentor-s, even if you are extremely experienced and knowledgeable.  When you go deep, one discovers deeper levels bringing you closer to the real thing.  Seeking out experienced, trusted advisors can save you in so many ways, especially around room tuning, suitable gear, and yes, modern DSP, including BACCH, if you are explorative.  Any harm done is vastly outweighed.  For the naysayers, yes, you can do damage.  However, wizened, skillful Techs who understand sound, harmonics, layering...how tube distortions work vs the low noise of great solid state can take you to amazing levels of gratification.  

The journey is often one of not knowing what was missing until attained.  This from an ever impassioned, ever reaching, old fart. 

More Peace, plus Joy          Pin              (bold pring for old eyes)