Happy Birthday Bob Marley

Bob birthday month.

Born February 6th 1945.

One of my favorite performers and songwriters. 

Had the pleasure of seeing him once and meeting the family in Kingston.




Here is a link to the tribute. I listen to this on FM not internet. I love Bob Marley and this tribute was great.

Jason Kramer’s playlist, February 6, 2022 | Jason Kramer | KCRW

Just tried to play it but they do not seem to have a link for that. Hopefully, they add it.

[Edit] The tribute will be available for streaming on this link. Need to wait for Feb 6 show to be added.

Jason Kramer | KCRW



Good day. Bob Marley is just a legend of positive, reggae music. His music is especially helpful when the mood is bad. Guys, lately the topic of the IT industry has become extremely interested. Knowledgeable people, I need your recommendations, advise cool services with up-to-date information on software development, I only know so far https://sirinsoftware.com/services/embedded-software-development-services/, I like it, but I want to know more sources. Thank you in advance.

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"other artists are still trying to repeat his style, but it doesn’t work. And all because it had a soul and the text with music came from the heart"

Bob Marley quote:  "Jah wrote all those songs"