Hall of Fame: BIGGEST BADDEST Monster Amps

There have been a lot of posts on:

"tube amps with balls"
"amps to drive my 1 ohm, inefficient speakers"
"amps for rock and roll"
"Levinson, Krell, Bryston, Pass Labs etc"
"sounds more powerful than its rating suggests"
"despite low rating, puts out huge current" etc.

But I somehow find these threads divergent and confusing and still cant seem to short list a new set of monoblocks to biamp (low end) and COMMAND my Magneplanar Tympanis, fill up a large room with EFFORTLESS dynamics and CONTROL the bass with no debates, questions, reservations or tweaky failures.

So let's please hear your thoughts:

What are the all time, hall of fame, MONSTER power amps, where there should be no doubt whatsover about HUGE amounts, of effortlessly dynamic, clean, smooth, audiophile power.

I have to think that for the low end of biamping, this should be a solid state amp, unless someone can really suggest an unusually robust and low maintenance tube amp.

Mark Levinson 20.6?
Pass X-600's?
Bryston 7 B monoblocks?
Parasound monoblocks?

Thank you.
I'll throw the following into the fray:

Gryphon Antilean Monoblocks (175W-Class A)
Boulder 2050 Monoblocks (1000W-Class A/B)
Classe Omega Monoblocks (500W-Class A/B)
Karan Acoustics Monoblocks (1500W-Class A/B)
May be not hall of fame but Bryston 28b sst is defiantly a monster also Krell's FPB 600.
Forget about Pass labs X1000, Classe Omega,Mcintosh 1201...Simaudio Moon Rock mono blocs currently selling for $50,000 the best money can buy.You have to hear them to believe them. Jm labs Grande Utopia + Moon Rock = Heaven
Wolcott CA/PA 250 Instrumentation Monoblocks (Used by the National Institute of Standards & Technology); Threshold SA-1's and SA/12e's.
Yes, this is much less "divergent and confusing".

The Tympany's don't require "monsters" and shouldn't respond well to tight-fisted control. They do like current and watts but not like heavy conventional dynamic bass drivers. Especially with an active XO, they are non-reactive loads. As always, you have to find the balance between brute strength and gentle finesse, even it's just for the bass.

Never having owned any Maggies, don't have any specific recommendations. I do have planar magnetic hybrids and found a satisfying balance with Plinius and the older JRDG (models 8/9) amps (which seems contrary to popular misconception and idealism). Then again, I've only heard half a dozen amps with these speakers and my budget is definitely limited.