Hales owners discussion

We may have lost Mr. Hales to professional audio and the factory to history, but these are still fine speakers. I'm curious how others have their's setup, what tweaks they've found that offer improvements to the sound, etc.

Currently my Revelation Threes are ~3.5' from the front wall and 4.5' from the side walls. This is in a volumetrically large space (330 sq. ft.; volume unknown). Setup in a smaller, rectangular room (215 sq. ft.) they were 4.5' from the front and 3.5' from the sides. Straight Cardas method.

On a raised floor they were better without spikes; on a concrete slab the spikes are a must.

Mine are also toe'd in very little. Maybe 20 degrees. I listen in nearfield, btw. Now they're 7' feet apart and 5 feet from the listener. Before it was a 6' triangle.

Anyone tried anything radically different that worked? Mass loading, cones, etc.?

Oh, for reference my system is SF Line 1, McCormack DNA-1, CAL ALpha/Delta for CD, AP Oval 9, HT ProSilways and Illuminati D-60, plus various cones, weights, etc. What others are feeding their Hales with would also be of interest. Thanks in advance for any feedback.

Showing 1 response by sknnyc


Great discussion... I own a pair of System 2 Signatures
powered by Classe electronics with MIT speaker cables and
Nordost interconnects. This was a huge improvement over
the Alon IIs (nice speakers) and Thiel CS3.5 (currently in
the basement). I'm waiting for the Audiopoints to arrive.
One of these days I'll have to see how these sound with my
old VTL electronics but I'm afraid hearing this combo will
make me want to upgrade the Classe to the VTL MB225s.