hair brained idea and a hello

I was wondering if anybody had any info for some hair brained idea i have.

Right now i have a project rpm 5.1 with the stamdard pearl needle, rollunning into an upgraded interal cambridge 640 with upgreated sound chips and high quality ports.

Now i cant evenenjoy rather bright sounding vinyl sound.

I was wondering if anyone has "daisy chained" for the lack of a better term a tube preamp and a solid state amp such as the cambridge.

I am interested in what kind of change i would get at all trying to daisy chain these amps or if somebody with more knowledge or experience then i, as im a mid 20 year old just getting into this whole audiophile side of enjoying vinyl.

-any reading, knowledge, anything would be greatly appreciated.

Jabbles180 (adam)

Showing 1 response by harri009

Check emotiva out. It's very good gear for very reasonable prices. Call them and they can help get you lined out with what you need. I am thinking a USP-1 with a UPA-200 and a set of their towers. This should bring you to about $1200 for a good starter system.