Haggemann phono preamp?

A real giant killer, Does anyone know where I can get some info on this product? So far search results have been nil.
Thank You For Your Help.

Showing 1 response by verybigamp

Rockinroni, be VERY careful when you refer to the reviewers who write about the phonocorectors, cartridges, arms or TTs. (the analog gear in particularly) Even a VERY limited percentage of them who accidentally knows what they do are still (in context of contemporary reviewing strategy) disabled to conduct a comprehensive analyses of the analog products. Therefore you won’t be able to correlate the Fermer’s comments about the phonostages with Reality and therefore they pretty much should be ignored. Yes, an “absolute noise numbers” could be very bogus if they are not properly interpreted in context of something else...

Haggemann, Lamm, Trumpet, Bolder and the rest of the black boxes that he toss into the game are just the playing cards in his game of “saying nothing”… It is funny, though, that how you, looking at fish that silently moves her lips, can recognize a blueprint for operation Barbarossa coming from her mouth…

Romy the Cat