H2O Owner Survey ?

I've read a couple of estatic comments about Henry Ho's amps but I'm wondering how many people actually own them. I'm thinking of replacing my VAC PA 100. Let me know if you own an H2O amp and your experiences with it.


Showing 1 response by loudandclear

I auditioned the H20 S250 for a few weeks in my system early last year.

Best digital switching amplifier I have ever heard. Very analog like, yet not missing any details. Treble was exceptional (every other PWM amp I heard has been subpar in the higher registers).

It definitely requires a top notch pre-amp that can drive the 10kohm input impedence of the H20. Speaker matching is important as always. The H20 amps have a real high damping factor.

In the end, the H20 did not synergize to the degree I had hoped for in my system. Henry was very understanding and dealt with me with the upmost of professionalism.

If I change gear, I would definitely look up H20Audio again.