Guttenberg's Cornwall IV Review -- I'm in trouble

He directly compares the Cornwall IV to the Forte III (which I own).  This is dangerous for me because his points on the differences between the C-wall and Forte hit home.  

I'm calling the credit cards telling them any purchase involving audio in the next 60 days should be flagged as fraudulent! That should stop me, right? 

Kidding aside, I'm dying to hear the Cornwall IV.  If you have heard them, please chime in!

Showing 1 response by willland

"I'm sticking with my Heresy III/REL subs (2) rig as it's comparatively diminutive and kicks a**."

@wolf_garcia, @jbhiller,

I love the sound of the Cornwalls I, II, III and Fortes I, II(have not heard newest incarnations) but Heresys and a sub/s can get you pretty far.  The sound can get really big really fast.

Would really like to hear both the Cornwall 4 and Forte 3 some day.
