Guttenberg reviews Volti Razz

Just watched youtube review by Steve Guttenberg on the Volti Razz Decorator. (no veneer). In my view he sums up all I've been enjoying with these wonderful speakers. Dynamic, sweet sounding, engaging, musical... 

Decorator Razz, $2k less than standard Razz. DIY stain and seal. Pretty darn cool in my book!

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Showing 1 response by khashmi

Last year was my first time at capital audio fest, and out of all the rooms I visited, the Volti room with border patrol 300B amplification, Innous front end, and Triode Wire Labs cabling stopped me dead in my tracks. The combination was sublime, and I ended up spending a longer time there and chatting with the hosts.

Guttenberg has addressed his review methodology publicly including why he doesn’t do negative reviews (with at least one exception):