Gumby vs Yggy

So I recently tried a Schiit Gumby and was somewhat disappointed that it really didn’t sound much better than my Arcam irdac. I’m sending it back and was wondering if the Yggy would be a more significant upgrade. Perhaps my system isn’t revealing enough to appreciate the difference. I’ve downsized from B&W 801 S2, Threshold amp, Theta pre to my current setup: SVS Ultra bookshelves, Parasound amp and Schiit Saga pre.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by georgehifi

treynolds155 OP7 posts12-28-2017 5:52amSorry, thought Gumby implied multibit. I’ve read several reviews comparing the Arcam as being very close to the Gungnir ds so I was actually thinking they mislabeled this as a Gumby.

From what I've read, you've still not cleared up if you got the standard Delta Sigma Gumby, at $849usd or paid extra for the upgraded R2R Multibit Gumby at $1249usd

If you got the standard $849 Gumby, then yes the Yaggy will blow it away, if you got the $1249 Gumby the Yaggy will still be better but not as much.

Cheers George