Guilty Pleasures

garfish’s recent thread on c/w music brought to mind the “guilty pleasures” admissions recently submitted by TAS writers and reviewers. a “guilty pleasure,” roughly speaking, is a musical selection one adores but plays only in secret, fearing its publication as an audiophile’s favorite might elicit ridicule or, at least, laughter. so, fellow a-goners, are you willing to confess to a couple of your guilty pleasures? I’ll start with two and add others if this thread gets going: (1) “not for kids only,” j. garcia & d. grisman; (2) ‘the little mermaid,” OST.

Showing 1 response by helga

I like Disney sountracks, too. How about Beauty and the Beast? My most guilty pleasure, though, is Michael Jackson's Thriller. I can't hear it too many times.