Guilty Pleasures

Okay. We're not talking about the stuff that will get you arrested. Or that causes pain to man or beast. Just the kind of habit that might earn you the consternation of your friends, colleagues, or audiophile buddies.

What slightly bizarre behavior gives you that twinge of guilt. Is it that you still enjoy disco? Do you have the entire Barry Manilow catalog? Do you occasionally put dirty records on the table without washing them first? Are all your friends into grunge, while you're a closet cool jazz freak? Is Britney your idol? Or the Backstreet Boys?

Time to 'fess up. The music police have you under surveillance.

Showing 1 response by rnm4

To Duanegoosen:

There is nothing guilty about liking Joe's Garage. When people have to start apologizing for liking Zappa, rather than expecting others to apologize for not getting it (not that they will, but they should), we will have a real problem.