Guilty pleasure music?

How about this for a thread -- name some of your guilty pleasures musically. What albums/CDs/tapes do you dig out of their hiding places and put on when nobody's looking? What do you like that you'd hate to admit to the Keepers of the Cool? I'll start with ... Stand Up by David Lee Roth. Okay, the guy's a jerk and has about a 4-note range. But this song, along with "Just Like Living in Paradise," really kicks. Steve Vai casually tosses off guitar leads that smoke, the drumming is punchy and the bass packs a nice whomp. Just the thing to blare through a pair of headphones as you get your workout in high gear. So, who's next? Anybody wanna fess up to liking Alice Cooper? Bad Company? Early Chicago?
Alice Cooper? Love the band, always have. As Dee Snider from Twisted Sister once said in an interview "Alice writes anthems". Nuthin' to be ashamed of there. Now, if you want to feel inadequate, listen to Duran Duran, Flock of Seagulls, Bread, or Angel. That's something you should never, EVER, admit to (and hopefully not still partake)
Hell, if you listen to it, it's good to you! Don't ever feel guilty over things you listen to! I've been known to listen to old, live Black Flag and CJ recordings, yeh, they sonically/musically SUCK, but I still remember seeing these bands in high school and I hope to never feel bad about listening to them! Granted I'd never bother to buy them on CD, but you might find something horrible like this in a tape player in my house! Screw the guilt! Listen to anything you like!