Guidelines for buying used speakers (as in, are there any?)


Can anyone offer up some suggestions or guidelines for buying used speakers?

Initially I thought 5 years old max, buy from original (and only) owner, half original retail.

But then ...

Found some nice Zu Omen Defs ($1350) but they've had 2 owners.

Also found some Vandersteen 2c signatures ($900 + $100 shipping) but they're 10 years old and, again, 2 owners.

So you can see my guidelines may be preventing me from getting very high quality speakers at a good price.

The Defs I can listen to and physically examine; the Vandersteens would be purchased online.

Thoughts and comments would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by rpppr

What is a good rule of thumb for a "good deal" as far as the percentage off what you are paying to the seller versus buying new.

Apples and Oranges time: A friend of mine sells used boats.  He told me not to consider buying used unless you get 1/3 off the price for new.  he said warranty is an issue.

I saw a used amplifier that I was interested in listed for $750 which is $800 new.  My boat selling friend's formulas comes up with $535.  I know there is a better analogy that boats and amps.  But back to my original question.....

What is the minimum percentage you should be looking for to save?