Guidance for a college student...


I've been reading these forums for over a year now and have picked up tons of great info. My current question for the community is how to proceed with my system once I will be leaving school.

My current system consists of modest and portable components that are fairly simple to transport when moving time comes ~4x per year (I can't be without my gear over winter break).

The signal chain...
Denon DVD-900 ->
Cardas High Speed Digital Coax ->
NAD T742 Receiver ->
Star-Quad 4S11 Speaker Wire ->
Wharfedale Diamond 8.3 Speakers (and bipolars)

My proposal... Eliminate the multichannel system for now. I want to start a better quality 2 channel system and possibly get into surround again later. I will either be in law school or an aerospace job in this coming fall and my budget will depend on which of the two options I pursue.

With CD as my main source, I have been giving thought to a Shanling T-100 or Wadia 830 source going straight to power amp(s). Given that I would like to preserve DVD capability, I am currently favoring the 830 with digital inputs (assuming this would accept a PCM signal - although I am aware that not all DVDs even have this). If this is feasable, I would buy a good amp or perhaps 2 Norh Le Amp IIs that I have read about or a comprably priced amp here on audiogon. For the time I would keep my adequate Diamond 8.3s and upgrade speakers after I became comfortable with the rest of my equipment.

Aside from the potential incompatibility of the digital output of a DVD with the 830's digital input does anyone see any obvious flaws or better uses of money to build a simple 2 channel system that does CD and DVD acceptably (i.e. some DVDs may not have an output that the 830 can decode - assuming the 830 even accepts PCM which I would assume it does).

Do any DVD players exist with good enough sound to function as a CD source within the budget of other components I mentioned (and if so is this a better option considering I'd need a pre or integrated that I would not need with a Wadia).

For some idea of a budget to consider when suggesting alternatives. (I would keep current DVD player if I had an 830).

Used Wadia 830 ~$1700
Norh Le Amp II ~$600 ($300X2) - I'm very suspect of how cheaply these can be sold. Despite the lack of info on this forum they seem to be well liked elsewhere.

I will worry about digital/speaker cables later, but my main concern is the possibility of an int-amp and DVD player (or seperate DVD/CD players) that could compete for ~$2300. I think the budget squeeze comes in when considering analog cabling for the associate CD and DVD player. Am I foolish to keep the modest speakers in the system? - I've consistently noticed that I get better sound throwing money at electronics than speakers (to a point obviously).

I understand I've presented a lot of info and questions here, so thank you in advance for any responses I may receive. Part of my thoroughness was in an attempt to avoid a generic "What's the best amp and CD player for $2300" when such subjects have been beaten to death. I also think that such a system as I have proposed may be of interest to other users (simple high quality CD and possibly reasonable sound from DVD as well). If I didn't enjoy concert DVDs so much this wouldn't be a concern

Showing 1 response by aroc

Well it looks like the Wadia inputs support 48k, 44.1k, and 32k inputs (at up to 24bit word length, I assume). See That is going to be what your DVD player with output. PCM at either 48k or 96k and up to 24bit word length. I'm sure someone will correct me if I am wrong. You DVD player's set up menus should have settings to enable folddown of the output to PCM. My Panasonic RP82 does. I imagine your Denon does too.

As for your electronics vs. loudspeaker inquiry. I feel it is a rare day when one spends less on his amplifiers than on his speakers. my $0.02, YMMV.

I don't know anything about Norh, but I would consider something else. But that's just me. Soemtimes you see a McCormack DNA-1 dx for $600. The Audio Alchemy OM-150 for $400 right now would be decent - but I'd research the reliability first. AA is out of business. The one I sold broke about 6 months later. $400 is an OK price for that amp. Also consider the old standby - an Adcom gfa555II. ALso saw an N.E.W. 20.1 class A amp in the classifieds. Though you may not be satisfied with 20 watts.

I would think the McCormack to be the best of the bunch and Steve McCormack has a bunch of upgrades available for his older amps. Either that, or pick something that resells well.