Gryphon Diablo 300 vs Vitus RI-101

   So I've been itching to upgrade my amp. I currently have: PS audio Directstream -> PS BHK preamp -> parasound JC1 -> Focal Sopra 2.
    I narrow down to these 2 candidates. Any one with experience with both int amps can comment on them?Thanks!!!

Showing 6 responses by caphill


Your current PS Audio DirectStream DAC, PS Audio BHK preamp & Parasound Halo JC1 monoblock amps are fine and good enough for your Focal Sopra 2. The Parasound Halo JC1 is on a fuller warmer side of neutral and I think is a good match for your Focal Sopra 2 speakers since the Focal is an analytical sounding speakers and would be better off with a full warmer sounding amp & preamp like the Parasound Halo JC1 and the PS Audio BHK preamp, which is a hybrid design with tube input & SS output stages.

But that being said, between the Gryphon Diablo 300 & Vitus RI-101 if I were you I would probably go with the Vitus for the Focal Sopra since the Focal is analytical sounding speaker and the Gryphon Diablo is somewhat neutral whereas Vitus in general imo would have more fuller warmer sound in comparison to the Gryphon. So I think the Vitus would be better match for your Focal Sopra speakers.  

I would pair your Focal Sopra speakers with full warm sounding electronics If I were you.

Other electronics that will be a great match for your Focal speakers is Naim Audio. Look for some Naim separates. But if you go with Naim, you will have to go all the way Naim, starting from a digital front end source component (Naim digital streamer/DAC), linestage analog preamp & power amp. 
If you decide to go with Naim electronics I highly recommend that you use Naim's proprietary DIN connections (DIN cables) to connect between Naim components or electronics in order to optimize sound quality and will sound quite a bit better than using its RCA connections (cables) to connect between Naim electronics. Naim always highly recommends using its proprietary DIN connections. That's why you will have to all the way Naim using Naim streamer/DAC, preamp & amp and use DIN. DIN is basically a Naim's simplified version of XLR balanced analog audio connectors. 

Naim makes excellent highly musical sounding streamer/DAC especially their ND 555 streamer/DAC paired with external 555 PS DR external power supply unit. They are expensive though. 

Naim electronics sounding full body, warm (I would characterize it as intoxicated warmth not like tubey syrupy type of warmth) very natural organic sound yet excel in PRAT without straining or sounded forced. Very rhythmic with great pace speed & timing and has musical drive. very musically engaging and involving. 
I highly recommend Naim separates for your Focal Sopra 2. Actually your Focal Sopra 2 were voiced and tuned using Naim electronics since the Focal and Naim merged some few years ago. They would have good synergy together.


In response to your comment above regarding what the OP is looking for in sonic quality. Naim electronics excel in PRAT yet possess relaxed quality to the music. They are very rhythmic with excellent pace speed timing without sounding strain or forced and have excellent musical drive. Music sounding very natural and organic with Naim electronics. That's pretty much all the OP is looking for in his earlier post. 

Naim electronics do not sound thin at all. They are actually quite the opposite they sound full body very natural organic sound very smooth refined with grainfree highs and tonally leaning towards on the warm side of neutral with excellent PRAT yet without sounding strain or forced and music has that natural relaxed and effortless quality. 

btbluesky, you mentioned earlier in your post that you're looking for great PRAT (Pace Rtyhm and Timing) & speed yet has relaxed effortless quality to the music. Naim electronics would be perfect for you and they won't sound thin on your Focal Sopra 2. 
And yes, all newer current model Focal speakers (Utopia, Sopra and lower end Focals) are voiced and tuned using Naim electronics since the merger of the two companies. Or I should say since Focal acquired Naim Audio. 

For your records, I do own couple different Naim gears. For my main reference stereo setup/system I do have the Naim Statement NAC S1 linestage analog preamp & Naim Statement NAP S1 monoblock amps driving my Magico M6 speakers. Phenomenal sounding with excellent musicality highly musically engaging and involving and can do subtlety at the same time. Perfect pairing and the best and most musical sounding combinations I've ever heard and owned to date. For digital front end source components I'm using the MSB Select ll DAC with its flagship Femto 33 clock and two separate mono powerbases (two separate power supply units, one feeds power to its digital side of it and the other feeds power to its analog stage).
Fyi, Naim Statement NAC S1 linestage analog preamp is the only Naim linestage preamp that has XLR balanced analog audio inputs as well as Naim's proprietary DIN inputs. The rest of Naim preamps & integrateds only have DIN and RCA single ended analog inputs. That's why I could afford to go with a non Naim digital front end source components. I'm using the MSB Select ll DAC instead and use XLR balanced analog to connect to my Naim Statement NAC S1 linestage analog preamp.

For analog front end source components I have the Clearaudio Statement v2 turntable with a TT Statement tonearm & Statement Goldfinger cartridge, separate linear discrete class A PSU for the turntable & the D'Agostino Momentum phonostage pre, which is connected using another pair of XLR balanced analog interconnects to my Naim Statement NAC S1 linestage analog preamp.

btbluesky, yes, the Naim 500 series separates are really expensive but are still much much cheaper than the Naim Statement gears. But the Naim ND 555 digital streamer/DAC + its matching Naim 500 PS DR external power supply unit (psu), Naim NAC 552 linestage analog preamp + 500 PS DR psu, Naim NAP 500 DR power amp + 500 PS DR psu will run you over $100k before DIN interconnects & power cords. However you will be rewarded with the overall sonic end results and its musicality that these Naim electronics provide. 

The Naim NAP 500 DR stereo power amp is a true dual monoblock design & configurations with separate left & right channels are encased in completely separate chambers and are completely isolated and independent from each other and each channel has its own voltage and power supply regulations. For this NAP 500 DR amp you can use two separate 500 PS DR power supply units, one for each channel but will cost you more money. Each 500 PS DR psu retails for $8k. And the Naim NAP 500 DR power amp alone retails for $26k (without power supply). 

Fyi, all Naim 500 series components do not have onboard power supply and you have to use their matching 500 PS DR psu for each of the 500 series component. 

For my bedroom setup I also have the Naim Uniti Nova driving a pair of PMC standmount speakers. 
Naim Uniti Nova is an all-in-one box or single box integrated solution. It is basically a streamer/DAC/integrated amp in a single chassis. The Uniti Nova retails for $7500 and is highly musical sounding unit. The sound is full warm punchy with excellent PRAT speed and is highly musically engaging and involving. 
Naim has great synergy with PMC speakers. The Naim Uniti Nova would sound really good on your Focal Sopra 2. I've heard the Naim Uniti Nova paired with the Sopra 1 standmount (bookshelf) speakers before and they sounded great together. The Naim helps toning down the Focal's analytical nature or sound profile but without sacrificing PRAT.  

As you can see that I am a big fan of Naim Audio. 


You mentioned earlier in your post that Naim has no present here in the US. That isn't true. 
Fyi, Naim has lots of dealers here in the US. Where do you live? I live in Seattle, WA and we have several Naim dealers here in the area (5 Naim dealers in our greater Seattle area), 3 in proper Seattle WA; 1 in Bellevue WA; 1 in Bellingham WA, 1 in Tacoma WA.

A hint of warmth and awesome PRAT that would perfectly fit the description of Naim gears. I know the Naim 500 series separates will be way over your budget. Look for lower end Naim separates or integrateds with Naim streamer/DAC which will be way way cheaper than the 500 series separates. Or you should consider the Naim Uniti Nova ($7500) integrated with excellent built-in streamer/DAC that will achieve the sonic qualities you are looking for (hint of warmth with awesome PRAT and musical drive). The Uniti Nova has everything (streamer/DAC/integrated amp) and you can save on interconnects and power cords. Has built-in Tidal streaming app and is Roon ready. 

Never underestimate the power rating of the Uniti Nova of 80 wpc @ 8 ohms. the Nova will be able to drive any speakers, including your Sopra 2, effortlessly. What matters is current delivery, not mere power output ratings. The Nova's current delivery is stable down to low impedance loads and is effortless. The Nova will be sufficient to drive your Sopra 2 to the fullest. Unless if you have super power hungry speakers like the big Maggies or big Martin Logan electrostats eg Neoliths or the Renaissance, then you will need high powered big monoblock amps to power them. 

If you go with the Naim Uniti Nova, you can sell your PS Audio DirectStream DAC, BHK preamp and the JC1 monoblock amps and I bet you will have extra money laying around. 
Just my 2 cents.

But anyways I still think your current setup are awesome for your Focal Sopra 2. 

If you decide to with the Naim Super Nait I would highly recommend using Naim streamer/DAC and use DIN connection. Naim electronics sound their best when using Naim’s proprietary DIN connections, with the exception of Naim Statement gears which provide DIN, XLR balanced & RCA single-ended analog connectivities. But all other Naim components other than the Statement gears only provide DIN & RCA single ended connectivities. DIN is basically Naim’s simplified version of their XLR balanced analog connectivity.

Instead of getting the Super Nait and Naim streamer/DAC, I highly recommend the Naim Uniti Nova all-in-one box solution. The Uniti Nova is a streamer/DAC/integrated amp all in a single chassis. The Uniti Nova sounding superb very musical and very refined smooth warm (intoxicated warmth) punchy full body sound and music sounded very natural & organic with excellent PRAT. With the Uniti Nova you could save on analog interconnects / DIN and power cables, and save space.
You can read glowing reviews on the Naim Uniti Nova. It retails for $7500. Its onboard streamer/DAC/clock is superb. Got built-in Tidal streaming app and is Roon ready. You will be surprised the sonic quality and performance you can get out of that compact single box called the Uniti Nova.