Gryphon Colosseum vs. Karan M2000 monoblocks

I've been on the search for desert island amplification to partner with my Sonus Faber Futuras for a while now. The contenders has been narrowed down to either the Gryphon Colosseum (Stereo) or the new Karan M2000 monoblocks. The price offered are more or less the same.

Preamp will probably be Gryphon Mirage or Pandora if going for the Colosseum, or the KA L Ref.MK3 if going for the Karan M2000. I'm also considering a tube preamp as an alternative - especially the Conrad Johnson GAT.

I would truly appreciate ANY feedback regarding these poweramps and brands. If anyone has experience with both, that would be most valuable.

Source will be Brinkmann Bardo/10.5 tonearm/Pi cartridge for analog playback. Digital playback is yet to be decided, but I'm using an Audio Aero Prestige SE at the moment.

My room is approx. 6x5 square meters. I'm mostly listening to small scale rock/pop/acoustic, classical and electronical music. The system will be used for music mainly, but also film.


Showing 12 responses by lloydelee21


I run with GAT/Colosseum combination and i would not trade it for anything at the moment. i have not heard lots of stuff...never heard Lamm, FM Acoustics. I have heard the reference gear of Krell, ARC, Dartzeel (108 not the new $100K monos), Tidal, Zanden (not amp), Shindo (not amp), MBL, Boulder (not pre), ML.

Here is how i look at it. the CJ GAT delivers the CJ purity of tonality without any golden glow this time. Having lived with ACT 2 for years (and PV14L before that)...i know the golden hue and the slightly overly tight treble of CJ...and the GAT delivers the tonality, with the golden hue carved away to leave pure tone.

It also is far more extended than the ACT 2 (which is saying something)...and far, far, far better in treble than i ever imagined.

The Colosseum is SS Class A...thru 2,560 continuous watts into 0.5ohm load...and always in Class A. So in other words, it instantly deliver dynamics at any level...and as a result the music becomes effortless.

However, what i never fully appreciated was that, for example, on well recorded violin, when they really drive the bow against the string, you instantly hear a tremendously powerful, deep swell of ringing that comes from really driving the violin is beautiful, fulsome and very much what you hear in violin solo live.

I have never heard an amp before that got this quite right. Maybe its the Class A or maybe its something else.

But i really enjoy that. it makes music soar. Because this ability to drive microdynamics to an extreme level...creates the inner beauty of a note...while its extraordinary power allows it to keep all the complexity of an orchestra properly organized. so you can listen to the microdynamic single-note tone of any intstrument you want to...or just sit back and listen to the ensemble.

I feel like if you've got a good signal, the GAT is going to send as much of it thru to the Gryphon Colosseum as possible...and then the Gryphon will effortlessly drive it with a purity of tonality that is the equal of the GAT.

because i got both demo/second hand from different parts of the world...i did not have the luxury of auditioning the CJ ART amps or the Gryphon Mirage/Pandora. All i know, i have had CJ pre in my system since 2000, and never felt the urge to go with any of the other pres i'd ever heard.
hope that helps. good luck.
Hi Casouza,

Thanks...good to know. I have not had the chance to hear Karans before, but certainly read good things about them. As to Gryphon and SF, i moved from CJ tube amp to Gryphon Antileon many years ago, and found the Gryphon matched the tube magic of the CJ, but provided substantially more authority, weight, snap and clarity (and obviously dynamics and bass).

From a 'general' standpoint, i have found that Class A SS amps (old Forte 4, Gryphon, Boulder 2060 and also Pass XA and Karan?) often provide the SS solidity many of us enjoy while delivering a treble & mid that feels quite tonally pure.

Likely a personal choice of 2 Class A SS amps.

Have you ever compared Karan to other amps?...would be interested in learnign more about your experiences with them. thanks.
Hi Bombay,

No, Sidekick is right...that is not what i was implying. What i was (trying) to say is

the Class A amp is blowing full steam Class A at all times, and does not transition to Class B at any stage as you increase in dynamic range or volume.

Whenever i reduce the Class A bias on my Gryphon to a point where it is Class A/B, i can usually tell as i crank the does not have the magic anymore...which means to me something is happening as it transitions upwards into Class B.

Whereas, when it is full CLass A, i always seem to keep the magic, no matter how soft or how loud. i have always assumed this is because when it is the Class A bit which i enjoy.

Plus, all the SS amps i have enjoyed (Boulder 2060, Gryphon Antileon, Colosseum, Forte 4, older Krells)...are full-on non-stop Class A, i have always assumed it was because they are full Class A all the time and thus are "instantly" delivering Class A sound all the time.


I would support that vote. Obviously that is not based on comparing Gryphon to Karan...but i have compared heard ML33H, Krell Evo 402/600/900 monos, Boulder 2060, ARC Ref 210, Dartzeel, Tidal over the years. Gryphon is the one that remains my personal favorite. If you go for it, pls post! Good luck!
Hi Sidekick,

Interesting amps...let us know what you think. Certainly look cool! Which ones are you using at the moment?

Remember that Franco Serblin was often known to use Berning (boutique company) OTL amps (output transformless or something) with his Homage series speakers (G, Amati, Strad)...and i know someone who uses their mono Z models with Wilson Alexandrias and swears by them. Berning goes from low power to their big 270-watt monos.

While the Futura was designed by new ownership, and i suspect will do better big Krell (like much of the rest of the SF does as well imho), you might go this route to see what happens (ie, clean, muscular tubes).

Enjoy the speakers!!! Surely one of the greats today.
Hi Sidekick,

100% agree with your last paragraph...100%. I have heard all the Guaraneris...original, the one that came after and the new Memento, as well.

This Futura is far and away my favorite of the 3 Amatis. Far and away.

As for using 2 sets of amps...i imagine perfectly done that could be amazing...but in addition to the complexity (at one particular volume level)...i wonder what would happen as you reduce and increase the volume...would the amps be able to react to the load requirements in the same way and continue to give you similar sound throughout the volume spectrum? i have never done it...just curious.
Hi Sidekick,

Its great when many of the challenge are solved in a single moment. on a much smaller scale, i had 3 kinds of buzzing in my system when i dropped the new amp in. Frustrating. I had been waiting for the new SE-XLR cable to arrive for the new amp, and decided to leave it as is for a couple of days.

When the cable arrived, i re-arranged the new amp and the rest of my equipment to make it more tidy, and also neatened up all the other cables.

And 2 of the buzzes disappeared, and the third is vastly reduced unless i want to play at deafening levels!

And of course the amp is better too. Enjoy the Futuras!!!!!
Hi Hamburger,

Have you heard either? Pls post your impressions if you can. i know the colosseum well, and also the Antileon. unfortunately, have not heard Karan.

I am always curious to listen to other amps (like the new D'Agostino monos). My limited experience in amps includes ARC, Krell, MBL monos, Boulder 2060, ML33H, D'Agostino monos, CJ, (as well as older Aragon, Forte)...Gryphon is my personal favorite after finding it delivers the signal from source/pre with extension and detail, and endless reserves of power. If there is any flavor to Gryphon, it has a natural tonality such that violin strings, etc take on a natural burnished quality in the mids and the requisite pierce in the treble. My fav amp.

Good luck and pls post any impressions!
Himiguel has a good point which i have heard from many people who start going towards the kilobuck power level. That is in particular i think why many have said the Bryston 16BSST2 monos are incredible value for money amps that play in the SOTA arena...the first generation of Bryston where more than a few have said it has a 'sweet' touch in the treble...combined with 1000watts of power which make for effortless delivery of nuance, transparency and again a sweet(er) treble.

Sounds very interesting! When i get some time, i will try to go listen. Enjoy!
Hi Sidekick - nice system as i have noted before. However, what is Goldnote?

Will be curious to know if you prefer AA La Fontaine with Callisto or without. As good as the La F is by all accounts...that Callisto is quite a special piece from what i've read. I suspect you'll keep it. Pls keep us posted and enjoy!